QStora helps you make the best use of existing resources

QStora is the only software-defined storage product in the industry that can be mixed with any other applications. This feature will help you greatly improve the utilization of existing resources, greatly save the TCO, and you can easily migrate your QStora services to other servers.

QStora is green. QStora runs as a group of user-mode processes, does not rely on any specific version of Linux kernel or distribution, does not rely on, or modify the operating system environment, does not monopolize the entire hard drive, and does not interfere with the execution of any other processes. Thus, QStora can run in the same Linux operating system instance concurrently with other applications. We call this feature "green". On the one hand, it can help users improve the utilization of existing hardware resource, on the other hand, it also lowers the barriers for potential users to try QStora - even a virtual machine is not needed!

Some software-defined storage products cannot be installed by users themselves, and can only be installed by the vendor after logging in to your servers remotely. Therefore, you need to provide separate servers for storage, and you must isolate permissions to prevent the vendor from logging in to your other servers through the intranet. Security and convenience are not high.

Some other software-defined storage products, although users can install and deploy them by themselves, they may modify the environment variables or configurations of the operating system during the installation process. Thus, these SDS products cannot be deployed with other applications because they may conflict with each other. So you must prepare separate servers for storage services.

QStora is installed and deployed in a brand-new way, it is process-level, user-mode, and can be mixed deployed with any other application. QStora can be easily installed on the Linux operating system of any brand and any configuration of physical servers, bare metal servers, virtual machines and even container instances. QStora is completely decoupled with hardware drivers. You can make full use of existing resources.

QStora can be installed by just 3 commands on Linux operating system. No more than 3 minutes from the unzipping of installation package to the initialization of the cluster. During the entire installation process, no environment variables and configurations of any operating system will be modified. In short, if you want to uninstall QStora, just kill the processes and delete the installation directories and data directories. QStora will not leave any traces in the system.

What benefits will it bring you if you can mix deploy storage services with other applications?

First of all, you can make full use of existing resources. Some of your servers may have free space, and the CPU and memory utilization rates are not high. You can make full use of these resources to store data. If you feel that these hardware servers are not very reliable, you can only store some non-important data, such as backup, archive and other secondary storage data. This will significantly save your TCO.

Second, you can easily migrate your data. If you want to migrate an existing QStora cluster to other servers, such as from a local cluster to a remote cluster, or from one cloud vendor to another cloud vendor, then you only need to copy the corresponding QStora directories to the new servers. Because QStora does not depend on hardware or operating system, you can easily perform cluster migration operations.

Third, if you want to quickly verify our product, you don't need to send emails, call, or pay. Just register as a user on www.qstora.com, and then you can download the software installation package. QStora is free to download, install and use at the current stage, and user can obtain online technical support through this website. You only need to find one or a few idle servers to easily deploy QStora. Whether it is a physical machine, virtual machine, container, or bare metal, QStora is fully compatible.

QStora will bring you more benefits, we look forward to your use of our products, you will be pleasantly surprised for it!


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